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Each lab will have you perform the experiment and collect data on the data sheet. The data sheet can be found in your lab manual for each experiment. Be aware of the significant figures you record on you data sheet as it will affect any subsequent calculations. Your values should be what you obtain while performing lab. Any given examples with values will be with mock values. Use of these values will almost assuredly give you nonsensical calculations.



data sheet guide

A. Flame tests

In Part A, your TA will put different metal chloride solutions into an open flame. You will note your observations, specifically the color of each. Also included are videos of flame tests for the metal chloride solutions as reference.

Part A. Light From Atoms (click to enlarge)


Sodium Chloride Flame Test

Potassium Chloride Flame Test

Calcium Chloride Flame Test


Strontium Chloride Flame Test

Copper Chloride Flame Test



b. Using the Spectroscope

Part B will have you use a spectroscope. You will first use it to observe the fluorescent ceiling light for calibration. You will note the sharp colored lines and record their wavelengths

Once calibrated, you will use the spectroscope to observe an incandescent lamp. This will be done with and without placing a piece of blue glass between the lamp and the spectroscope.

Spectroscope (click to enlarge)


Part B. Light From Atoms (click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)



C. Atomic Spectra

Here you will observe a hydrogen discharge tube using the spectroscope. The color and wavelengths will be recorded for the lines you observe. From this, you will calculate the frequency, energy level, change in energy and energy of the level. Remember to use the correct significant figures. These values will help construct your energy level diagram. For details on how to do the calculations, see calculations on the prelab page (link).

You will also be asked to describe what you observe for the sodium flame test through a spectroscope.


Part C. Light From Atoms (click to enlarge)

Part C. Energy Level Spectra (click to enlarge)